Child Abuse & Neglect Reporting Policy & Procedures

Library Policy

Library employees may encounter situations where they suspect that a child is being abused or neglected during the course of their daily work with the public. 

Library employees are not considered mandated reporters as defined in Ohio Revised Code Section 2151.421(A) (1) (b).  Instead, library employees fall under the discretionary reporting provisions in Section 2151.421 (B).

Library employees are encouraged to report suspected child abuse or neglect to the Library Director or designee as long as they have an objectively reasonable cause for such suspicions.  Reports should be made immediately and by telephone or in person.

       Adopted by the Board of Trustees, November 18, 2015


  1. After making an oral report, the employee will immediately submit a Security Incident report to the Director or designee, including as much of the following as possible:
    1. The name and address of the child and his/her parents or other persons responsible for his/her care;
    2. The age and gender of the child;
    3. The nature and extent of the child’s injury or injuries, maltreatment or neglect;
    4. The approximate date and time the injury or injuries, maltreatment or neglect occurred;
    5. The circumstances in which the injury or injuries, maltreatment or neglect came to be known to the employee (including date, time, and location);
    6. Any other relevant, factual information.
  2. The Director or designee will review all reports and, based on advice from the Wood County Prosecutor, will determine if a report needs to be made to Wood County Job and Family Services (WCJFS).  If the Prosecutor’s office is unavailable, local law enforcement may be consulted. 
  3. Reports should be made to WCJFS via their dedicated reporting telephone line and both the Director or designee and the original reporting employee will participate in the call. 
    1. Children’s Services can be contacted by calling the child abuse hotline at 419-354-9669 or 1-866-860-4136. The agency is open 8:00 am to 4:30 pm Monday through Friday. 
    2. After hours and on weekends, emergency child abuse/neglect reports may be made by contacting the CHILD ABUSE HOTLINE (419-354-9669) or by calling the Wood County Sheriff’s Office at 419-354-9001 and asking that the on-call Children’s Services worker be contacted. 

The employee’s name is always kept confidential.  The only time an employee’s information is released is if a Judge orders that the name be released for court proceedings.

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