
Children and adults smile enjoying books and events.


For Adults

Adult programming includes author visits, technology programs, crafting sessions, classes, and more. Monthly programming, like Book Groups, can be found on our website. Adult Winter Reads takes place every year, usually from January through March.

For Kids

Programming for kids and teens includes storytime, author visits, outdoor playtimes, book birthdays, and more. Teens can also volunteer at WCDPL within our Volunteen program. Our Summer Reading Program takes place in the summer every year, usually June through August.

Events for All Ages

The library has plenty of programs and events for patrons of every age. To see a full calendar of upcoming events and to register online, please see our full event calendar

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Ways to Connect with Us

Weekly Newsletter

Subscribe to our weekly email newsletter to get updates about new programs, services, and books.

Social Media

Connect with us on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube for updates and events.

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