Donor Opportunities

The Board of Trustees of the Wood County District Public Library has exclusive authority to establish recognition programs and/or naming opportunities that would recognize service and/or monetary contributions to the library, including contributions to the Foundation and to the Friends. All monetary contributions will be directed to the Foundation in order for the donor to realize the complete tax benefit of those contributions.

The Board recognizes that creating a new recognition program or naming opportunity is a decision of immense importance. While the Board is grateful for and encourages donations from all individuals, businesses and organizations, the Board has the right to decline any gift to the library and/or reject any recognition or naming proposals.

Donor Recognition Guidelines:

  1. Donor recognition programs will be established by the Board of Trustees of the Wood County District Public Library. Recognition is limited to substantial gifts of service or funds.
  2. Current donor recognition programs include:

The Black Swamp Reader’s Circle

The Black Swamp Reader’s Circle recognizes donors who make a financial gift(s) of $1,000 to $24,999 annually (January 1 through December 31). There are three levels within the Black Swamp Reader’s Circle:

  • $1,000 - $4,999 Reader
  • $5,000 - $9,999 Learner
  • $10,000 - $24,999 Scholar

The Director’s Roundtable

The Director’s Roundtable recognizes donors whose cumulative giving to WCDPL program(s) or campaign(s) is $25,000 or more. There are three levels within the Director’s Roundtable.

  • $25,000 to $99,999 Haylor
  • $100,000 to $499,999 Halleck
  • $500,000 or more Munsel

Legacy Society

The Legacy Society recognizes individuals who have indicated they have created a planned gift which will benefit the library. This includes revocable and irrevocable gifts.

Memorial & Honor Books Program

A donor makes a financial gift of $25 or more in memory or in honor of someone. Bookplates are placed inside the book which is selected by staff members based on the interest(s) of the individual memorialized or honored or interests of the donor, if known.

Capital projects including new construction or major renovation

Capital project recognition levels will be at the discretion of the Board. A list of gift recognition levels will be adopted for each capital construction or renovation due to the changing costs of construction. Recognition levels may be determined based on square footage cost, actual cost, on-going operating cost and/or other Board-adopted criteria depending on the specific area or campaign.

Naming Guidelines:

  1. Rooms, special use areas, green spaces, walkways, other interior and exterior spaces, and facilities or a portion of a facility may be named or renamed by the Board to recognize a donor or supporter. For contributions toward new construction or significant renovation of an existing building, a substantial gift is defined as at least 75 percent of the total project cost or a number agreed upon by the Board.
  2. If any naming rights are extended through recognition of the gift, WCDPL may terminate such naming opportunities if the WCDPL Board membership determines in its reasonable and good faith opinion that circumstances have changed such that the Naming chosen by the Donor would adversely impact the reputation, image, mission or integrity of WCDPL. Such circumstances could include but are not limited to: the federal and/or state conviction of said donor to a crime; moral turpitude as defined by the Board; etc. Upon any such termination of this Agreement and/or the Naming hereunder, WCDPL shall have no further obligation or liability to said donor and shall not be required to return any portion of the gift already spent.
  3. If a distinctively named area is relocated, substantially remodeled, or converted for use other than its original use, the area may be renamed to reflect the association of new donors or community interests related to the changing facility. In such instances, the original name shall be honored in an appropriate manner.
  4. WCDPL naming opportunities may not be held in perpetuity, and the individual term of recognition of a building, room, etc. will be defined by its accompanying gift agreement. This information will be made clear to any potential donor.
  5. Naming a collection, room or portion of a facility to honor individuals who have contributed significantly to the library rather than a donor is permitted. Those honored with such a naming might be: persons who have contributed significantly, in one way or another, to the growth and development of the Library; an illustrious former employee, board member, or volunteer.
  6. Exterior gardens and landscaping areas are currently full in terms of trees, statues, rocks, plaques, and other gift/naming opportunities.
  7. For purposes of publicizing a named gift, WCDPL may have the right, pursuant to the permission of the donor, to photograph the donor and use the names, likenesses, and images of the donor in photographic, audiovisual, digital or any other form of medium, and to use, reproduce, distribute, exhibit, and publish that data in any manner and in whole or in part, including in brochures, website postings, informational and marketing materials, and reports and publications describing WCDPL’s activities.

Collection/equipment naming guidelines

Collection(s)/equipment may be named or renamed by the Board to recognize a donor. Appropriate contributions for such naming opportunities will be at the discretion of the Board and will be determined by cost of materials, staff, on-going operating costs, etc. depending on the specific program or collection.

Naming of library building

The Board may name or rename library buildings. The Board will review, consider and approve or decline a proposal that a library building bear a designated name only when a prospective donor wishes to make a substantial gift to the Library. For contributions toward an existing building, a substantial gift is defined as at least 75 percent of the current assessed value of the facility or a number agreed upon by the Board.

Administrative Procedures

The Board authorizes the Director to establish administrative procedures to enact and support this policy, including recognition of in-kind gifts, as needed and in consultation with the Board President.

Approved by the Board of Trustees, December 9, 2024

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