Loans & Checkout Information
Loan Periods:*
- 7 days - Movies (Entertainment), Music CDs, Browsing Collection Items.
- 28 days - All Other Circulating Materials.*
*Loan periods for items from other libraries and from the Library of Things may vary. Please refer to your due slip.
- An individual patron may have 100 items checked out at one time.
- Items will automatically renew up to four (4) times if there are no reserves on the items.
- WCDPL-owned items brought into the library and renewed at the Checkout Desk can be renewed an unlimited number of times if there are no reserves on the items.
Overdue, Lost, and Damaged Materials:
- WCDPL does not charge overdue fines.
- Replacement costs will be charged for each item that is lost or returned damaged.
- Accounts with three (3) or more overdue items are suspended until all items are returned.
- Items kept 30 days past their due date will prompt the computer to identify them as lost. Your account will then be billed a $12.00 collections fee, replacement costs, and referred to a collection agency. The $12.00 collections fee is nonrefundable.
Returning Items:
- The book/materials return is available 24 hours per day at both locations using the outside book returns.
Patrons may access their own account to place requests for items that are currently checked out, renew items, or update their record:
- Go to
- Click on the “Catalog/My Account” tab.
- Click on “My Account."
- Then enter your 14-digit barcode (no spaces) and your PIN (last 4 digits of the phone number we have on file).
Replacement Cards:
- Replacement library cards are a fee of $1.00.
Have a question about your account? The Circulation Department can answer questions about fines, overdues, or anything to do with your library card at