Display & Distribution of Non-Library Materials & Information Policy

The Wood County District Public Library has bulletin boards and literature racks in the hallway intended for the promotion of library events, news and services. The promotion of library activities takes precedence over any other usage. 

Non-library materials and information displayed or distributed on library property is limited to the bulletin boards and literature racks in the hallway of the library. Display cases and library floorspace are exclusively reserved for promotion of library services, programs, and events.

When not being used to promote library activities, the Library invites local government entities, non-profit organizations, civic groups and individuals from the Wood County area to use the bulletin boards and literature racks in the hallway for the display or distribution of information related to educational, cultural, intellectual or charitable activities and events of local community interest. Space may be allocated for public notices of a “classified ad” nature. 

The presence of a poster, brochure, flier, or any other notice in the Library does not necessarily indicate that the Library either advocates or endorses the viewpoints expressed. 

The Board of Trustees authorizes the Director to establish, monitor and revise guidelines to manage the use of the bulletin boards and literature racks in the hallway by non-library groups and individuals. 

Adopted by the Board of Trustees July 9, 2008.  Updated March 18, 2024.


The three bulletin boards in the back hallway are designated as follows: 

  1. Bulletin Board A (nearest the Checkout Desk) is reserved for notices promoting community events in the Bowling Green area. 
  2. Bulletin Board B (the center bulletin board) is reserved for library use only. 
  3. Bulletin Board C (nearest the back door) shall serve as a “Want Ad” section and commercial, for-profit and advertising will be used to display notices of available or needed goods and services. Materials in this section will be dated with the day of the posting. No “collection boxes” shall be used. 


  • Display may not last longer than 30 days. 
  • Promotional materials are not to be of a political nature.
  • Materials will not be returned once given to the library for distribution. 
  • The library provides no supplies. 
  • All materials to be displayed must be pre-approved by library representatives

The Wood County District Public Library reserves the right to remove, without prior notice, any material that does not meet the above guidelines.


Source URL: https://wcdpl.org/content/display-distribution-non-library-materials-information-policy