Mango Languages
Choose from over 70 world languages on desktop or mobile, from anywhere, at any time. Enjoy native speaker audio and cultural context that will fully immerse you in the language with Mango Languages.
You can access Mango Languages on desktop or mobile, from the library or in the comfort of your home. By creating an account, you can track your language-learning progress on Mango. If you make a Family profile, up to 5 people can be connected on one account and learn different languages at the same time. All you need is your WCDPL library card to get started. Learn any (or many!) languages for free.
Mango Languages - American Sign Language (ASL)
Mango Languages and ASL Inside provide a full American Sign Language (ASL) course on Mango Languages! These self-paced courses meet your learning speed and have practical lessons that will have you engaging in basic ASL conversations in no time. Start using the Mango Languages ASL course.
Little Pim from Mango Languages
Childhood is the best time to start language learning! Help your little ones make the most of prime learning years with Little Pim from Mango Languages. Designed to be friendly, fun, and enhance early language development, Little Pim offers courses for children ages 0-6 and provides essential building blocks of a foreign language to kids. Start using Little Pim.