Welcome to the Carter House, located at 307 North Church Street directly behind WCDPL, near the heart of downtown Bowling Green.
The house was built around 1877 by prominent Wood County businessman, Norton Reed. In 2006, it was donated to the library by Robert and Patricia Maurer and their family. Following an extensive renovation, the Carter House was opened to the public in 2013 and named in honor of Mr. Maurer's aunt, Martha Maurer Carter, who taught school in the area for 35 years.
The Carter House is for the use of WCDPL and library-related organizations. When not required for such use, local organizations and private individuals are welcome to rent the first floor of the Carter House. Rental fees, regulations, and a rental application form may be found in the attached rental policy document below. Inquiries may be made by contacting Angie Babcock at (419) 353-8044.
Highlights of the Carter House include:
- Modern kitchen
- Dining area
- Comfortable living room and parlors
- Meeting room space
- Central air and heat
Occupancy: 49