Library of Things

Books and more: browse our collection of items that are available for patrons to check out. Please note that some of these items may currently be checked out or may have a wait list. For more information on items and availability, call (419) 352-5050 or email for items at Bowling Green, and call (419) 666-9900 for items at Walbridge. You can also view our Library of Things through our catalog.


Bowling Green & Walbridge


A black metal detector.

Metal Detector
A user friendly metal detector. Waterproof up to 10 feet.




A Go Pro action camera with attachable accessories.OCLU Action Camera
A Sleek, compact camera for on-the-go shooting. Comes with a camera mount, camera clip, 3-axis gimbal, and micro SD card.



A black and gray laminator.Laminator
Rapid warming laminator. Compatible with 3- and 5- mil hot-lamination pouches, which are included.


A green safety cone.Safety Cones
Safety cones are 36" tall with a 14"x14" base.




A black DVD Player.DVD Player
A portable DVD player with a rechargeable battery, HDMI input, and 16" screen.




A card reader.Card Reader
Transfer files from memory cards with this card reader. Supports most standard memory cards.




A standing digital microscope.Digital Microscope
Observe, learn, explore, and repair with 1200x magnification.




An electricity usage monitor with multiple outlets.Electricity Usage Monitor
Monitor your power usage for devices or electronics.


A blue film to digital converter in a case.Film to Digital Converter
Scan your 35mm, 110mm, and 126mm film slides and negatives to convert them to digital files.




A black and yellow inspection camera with a hard case,Inspection Camera
Explore hard-to-reach places with this 140-degree camera.




A black laser level.Laser Level
For hanging photos or shelving, and other around-the-house straightening.




A yellow and black stud finder.Stud Finder
Find electrical wiring and studs.




A yellow and black thermal imaging camera.Thermal Imaging Camera
Perfect for temperature readings for home inspections, farming, and more.




A black turntable and record.Turntable
Listen to vinyl wherever you want with this portable turntable.





A set of two walkie-talkies.Two-way Radio Set
Communicate up to 5 miles apart with these radios.




A set of green and red bocce balls.Bocce Ball
For 2-8 Players. The object of the game is to toss the pallino, a small white ball, and then toss or "bowl" the bocce balls to stop as close as possible to the pallino without touching it.



A green bucket with wooden dice blocks.Farkle & Yardzee
Farkle is a classic dice game that's perfect for family fun or any game night. Roll the dice and try to collect combinations that will earn you some points. But, if you decide to take a risk and continue rolling, you could lose your points in a Farkle!

In Yardzee, take turns rolling dice to try to score combos. You get a total of 13 turns and may roll up to three times on a turn. At the end of each turn, you must fill in one empty box in your column on the score card. The player with the highest grand total at the end of all 13 rounds wins.


Wooden Tumble Tower blocks.Tumble Tower
A giant version of this popular indoor game. Builds a tower over 4 feet tall. The object of the game is to remove one block at at time from the tower and stack it on top. The last player to stack a block without making the tower fall wins the game!


A projector, screen, and speaker.Home Movie Kit
This kit includes a projector, a projector screen, and a speaker so you can watch movies, play video games, or stream your favorite TV show on the big screen from the comfort of your home.




Bowling Green


A black karaoke machine.Karaoke System
Sing your heart out with our karaoke machine, which is Bluetooth enabled.




A telescope with a variety of galaxies on it.Telescope
View the stars with a telescope from the library.





A dark wooden ukulele.Ukulele & Ukulele Tuner
Get started learning the ukulele by checking one out from the library. Ukulele tuner also available.



A black photo and document scanner.Photo & Document Scanner
Quickly scan and send digital versions of your documents or photos to your computer with the Photo & Document Scanner.



A black VHs ConverterVHS Converter
The VHS converter makes it easy to convert old VHS home videos into MP4 format, which you can store on your phone or computer.


A blue bike lock.Bike Locks
If you ride a bike to the library, you can check out a bike lock from the Circulation Desk to keep it safe. Locks are for at-library use only; they cannot be checked out and taken. 



A black CD player.Portable CD Player
Play CDs wherever and whenever you want with this portable CD player.



A black DVD player.Region-Free DVD Player
Easily watch your favorite DVDs with this region-free DVD player.



A white CO2 detector on a table.CO2 Monitor
This CO2 Monitor is the perfect companion for indoor environments, allowing you to monitor CO2 levels, temperature, relative humidity, and atmospheric pressure in real-time.


A blue ethernet cable.

Ethernet Cable
A blue ethernet cable to help with your internet needs.



A black VCR player and cables.

Panasonic VCR
A 4-Head Stereo VCR VHS Player/Recorder.




A STEAM kit with books on the human body.STEAM Kits
Our Children's Place has STEAM Kits available for checkout. Kids can learn about the human body, robotics & coding, animals, trucks & tools, emotions & empathy, and so much more with our hands-on kits.

Kits include:


  • My Amazing Body
  • Sound, Music, & Band
  • I Love Animals
  • Yoga for Mindfulness
  • Food & Nutrition
  • All About Dinosaurs
  • Everyday Science
  • Emotions & Empathy
  • Trucks & Toys
  • Decimals & Rounding
  • Building & Design
  • Understanding Our Universe
  • Math Patterns & Tactile
  • Machines and Contraptions
  • Money, Math, and Economics
  • All About Dinosaurs
  • Machines & Contraptions
  • Imagination and Stories
  • Arts and Crafts
  • Peppa Pig Phonics
  • The Shape of Things
  • The Starting to Spell
  • Pete the Cat Loves Preschool
  • Ready, Set, Kindergarten
  • Construction & Building
  • Robotics & Coding
  • Examine Science & Nature


A toy plane.Adapted Toys
Children learn through play and social interaction, and these toys make learning accessible for children with disabilities. Supported by a grant from RePlay for Kids, we offer a variety of adapted toys at both Bowling Green and Walbridge locations. 

Toys include:

  • CD Player
  • Dinosaur
  • Airplane
  • Chameleon
  • Excavator
  • Bug
  • Piglet
  • Cow
  • Puppy
  • Recycling Truck
  • Elephant
  • Monster Truck
  • Hello Kitty
  • Robot Dog
  • Frilled Lizard
  • See & Say
  • Playtime Activity Center





Sports equipment like a football, basketball, and kickball.Sports Equipment
Check out sports equipment from the Walbridge branch library. Sports equipment available:

Equipment includes:


  • Basketball
  • Football
  • Kickball
  • Soccer Ball
  • Ultimate Frisbee

A STEAM kit with books on the human body.STEAM Kits
Our Children's Place has STEAM Kits available for checkout. Kids can learn about the human body, robotics & coding, animals, trucks & tools, emotions & empathy, and so much more with our hands-on kits.

Kits include:


  • Machines and Contraptions
  • Money, Math, and Economics
  • All About Dinosaurs
  • Arts and Crafts
  • My Amazing Body
  • Peppa Pig Phonics
  • The Shape of Things
  • The Starting to Spell
  • Pete the Cat Loves Preschool
  • Ready, Set, Kindergarten
  • Imagination and Stories